Many products are considered useful and indispensable in the diet, but scientists are increasingly questioning some of their properties. Sometimes behind the myths about the benefits are hidden nuances that are worth knowing about to avoid possible harm to the body.
Eggs are often cited as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which strengthen blood vessels, support the nervous system and help fight atherosclerosis. However, studies show that the omega-3s from eggs have little effect. The really beneficial forms of fatty acids - EPA, DHA and ALA - are found in red fish such as salmon, salmon and tuna. These foods are not only healthy but also delicious, especially when cooked properly.
This root vegetable is famous for being high in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. However, beets have a downside: they are rich in oxalates, which can contribute to the development of urolithiasis. In addition, cooked beets have a high glycemic index, which increases appetite. To minimize the risks, beets are better eaten raw - as part of fresh salads, where greens and fiber reduce the absorption of sugars into the blood.
Vegetable salad, popular on many tables, turns out to be not so harmless. When cooking vegetables, vitamins and useful fiber are destroyed, which turns them into simple carbohydrates. Such a vinaigrette can cause an increase in appetite and is not suitable for those who are watching their weight. The solution may be to use slightly undercooked vegetables, which retain more nutrients.
bread with “grains”
The inscription “8 grains” on the package of bread seems to guarantee its benefits. But the main thing is not the number of grains, but the way the grain is processed. It is most useful to choose bread from whole-grain or coarse flour, which retains maximum fiber and vitamins.
Carrots are famous for their beneficial properties due to beta-carotene and fiber. However, heat treatment breaks down the fiber and makes the sugars more digestible. This can cause blood glucose spikes, hunger and fat storage. To maximize the benefits, eat carrots raw, adding greens and light dressings to salads.
Each product has its own characteristics that are important to consider. Listen to your body, choose fresh and natural products and remember: the secret of health is in dietary diversity and moderation.