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  • How to stay fit and improve your health in summer

    Опубликовано: 2025-03-24 08:48:15

    The summer season is a great time not only to enjoy sunny days, but also to improve your figure. In the hot months, it is much easier to lose weight, because your appetite decreases, and your body requires lighter food that is easier to digest. In this article, we will tell you what summer secrets will help you not only stay slim, but also feel great.

    The first and most important step to staying slim in the summer is maintaining your water balance. At this time of year, it is important to drink enough fluids - from two to three liters per day. This can be not only water and tea, but also fruit drinks, compotes and juices. Hydration will help not only maintain health, but also prevent hunger, and speed up your metabolism.

    Summer is the time when it is especially important to fill your body with vitamins and minerals. Fruits, vegetables and greens that appear during this period are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Local products contain more vitamins and microelements than imported ones, which makes them ideal for the summer diet. Enriching the menu with plant foods will help improve skin health, speed up metabolism and, of course, maintain slimness.

    Do not forget about light summer soups, which are very filling and help to keep fit. Instead of traditional borscht and rassolnik, you can give preference to okroshka cooked with kefir or ayran, as well as cold vegetable puree soups. These dishes are very refreshing and at the same time give a feeling of satiety without extra calories.

    In hot weather, our body does not need a lot of calories, since heat helps maintain normal body temperature. Therefore, in the summer, you should give up meat products such as pork and beef, which require significant energy for digestion. Instead, it is preferable to choose poultry or lean fish, which are easily digested and at the same time contain the necessary nutrients.

    Do not forget about flour products. Limiting their consumption will help reduce the calorie content of your diet. Flour products such as bread, buns or pastries often contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain. However, you can indulge in bran or whole grain bread, as well as pasta made from durum wheat, which have more beneficial properties and fewer calories.

    In addition, it is important to avoid fried and smoked foods. It is better to give preference to steamed, grilled or boiled dishes. Such food is easier to digest and does not overload the body with excess fat. This will help you not only reduce the calorie content of your diet, but also maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system.

    Summer sweets can be healthy and not harmful to your figure if you approach the choice wisely. For example, you can enjoy fruit ice cream or a small piece of dark chocolate. Such treats will help quench your sweet thirst, while they contain less sugar and calories than traditional desserts.

    Adding ice to drinks can also help control your appetite. Ice reduces the desire to overeat, especially if it is crushed into small flakes. This is a great way to reduce your calorie intake without giving up delicious, refreshing drinks in hot weather.

    Finally, don't forget about salt. Its consumption should be limited, especially in hot weather, when the body loses a lot of fluid. Instead of using salt, you can add spices and herbs that will make dishes tasty and healthy without increasing the amount of salt in the body.

    The summer months are a great time to improve your health, improve your figure, and establish proper nutrition. Following these simple secrets, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also feel better, recharging yourself with energy for the whole year.


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