Weaning the child from the pacifier is an important stage in his development. To determine the moment when it is time to do this, medical advice will help: most doctors recommend starting this process at the age of 6-9 months. If during this period it is not possible to get rid of the pacifier, the next attempt is recommended to postpone until 1.5-2 years, when the child can be negotiated.
Weaning at the age of 6-9 months:
Gradually accustom the baby to refuse the pacifier. Every time he cries, do not provide him with a pacifier, use other methods of soothing him. At the same time, it is important that the pacifier is not constantly in front of his eyes.
"Lose" the pacifier in the apartment, watch the child's reaction. If the loss causes a strong desire to return it, it may be worth waiting a little longer. If the reaction is more calm, the child will quickly part with the habit.
Weaning at the age of 1.5-2 years:
During this period, the child makes a conscious choice and it is possible to negotiate with him. Use a fairy tale approach, tell that the pacifier was required by another baby, and it is not available. Or announce that the wizard will come in a week, and in return for the pacifier will give a gift.
Try to keep the pacifier out of sight. Do not scold the child, be persistent and consistent. Do not start the process if there are other changes in the child's life. Keep him busy with new activities to avoid giving him time to remember the pacifier.
Weaning from the pacifier is an important step, and by following simple rules, parents will be able to make it less painful and effective.