Snoring is not only an unpleasant phenomenon for those who hear it at night, but also a serious problem that can affect the quality of sleep and health. Although snoring most often bothers men, women can also face this problem. It is important to understand that snoring is not always harmless, it can be a signal of more serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, when breathing can temporarily stop.
what causes snoring?
The main cause of snoring is the vibration of soft tissues in the nasopharynx, which occurs when breathing during sleep. This can occur due to various factors, such as nasal congestion, a deviated septum, or excess weight. In addition, with age, the problem of snoring becomes more and more relevant. The main reasons include:
Sleeping position. Sleeping on your back is one of the most common causes of snoring, as relaxed muscles can narrow the airways, which leads to vibrations.
Anatomical features. A narrow nasopharynx, a deviated septum, enlarged tonsils - all this can create obstacles to normal breathing.
Smoking and alcohol. They weaken the muscles of the nasopharynx, causing swelling and narrowing of the airways.
Hormonal changes. Women, especially during menopause, experience changes in the body that affect the muscles of the nasopharynx and increase the likelihood of snoring.
How to deal with snoring?
To combat snoring, it is important to follow a few simple rules that can significantly improve the situation:
Keep the nasopharynx clean. Before going to bed, it is useful to gargle and drip a sea salt solution into the nose to reduce swelling.
Sleep on your side. This helps to avoid relaxing the tongue and prevents it from falling into the throat.
Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills. Consuming these substances a few hours before bed can promote muscle relaxation and increase snoring.
Strengthen the muscles of the nasopharynx. Special exercises can help reduce the intensity of snoring. For example, pronouncing the sound "ee" with tension in the muscles of the nasopharynx or strongly sticking out the tongue forward.
medical methods of combating snoring
If home methods do not help, medical devices and medications can come to the rescue. There are special devices, such as nasal dilators or oral devices, that help open the airways. In addition, you can use various drops and nasal sprays to improve the patency of the airways. However, before using such means, it is important to consult a doctor to accurately determine the cause of snoring.
the importance of consulting a doctor
You should not self-medicate, especially if snoring is accompanied by pauses in breathing during sleep. This may be a sign of a more serious disease, such as sleep apnea. A doctor will help determine the exact cause of snoring and offer the most effective treatment.
Snoring is not only a concern for others, but also a signal that should not be ignored. Timely intervention and proper self-care can significantly improve the quality of sleep and reduce the risk of complications.