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  • Foods that help control appetite

    Опубликовано: 2024-06-26 15:28:43

    In summer, many people think about how to curb their appetite. During intense physical activity, the body increases appetite, which can negatively affect the weight loss process. The hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin are involved in this complex process. Fortunately, certain foods can help control appetite and maintain a low-calorie diet.

    Apples are known for their health benefits. Not only are they rich in vitamins and minerals, but they also contain about 5 grams of fiber per apple, which makes you feel full. The sugar in apples has less of an impact on blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and subsequent drops in energy.

    Flaxseed is a popular source of essential fatty acids and soluble fiber. It can be added to yogurt, cottage cheese or salads, providing your body with essential fats and protein.

    Caffeine is an important part of our lives, and in addition to its stimulating effects, it can suppress appetite. Caffeine helps you stay awake and reduces the feeling of hunger, which makes it an indispensable assistant in the fight against overeating.

    Maintaining water balance is important for appetite control. Thirst is often confused with hunger, which leads to overeating. Dehydration causes fatigue and sleepiness, which the brain can interpret as hunger. By drinking a glass of water, you can trick your body and avoid unnecessary snacking.

    Hoodia supplementation
    Hoodia is an African cactus-like plant that is used to make appetite control supplements. The effects of hoodia show up after a few days of regular use, helping to reduce appetite and conserve food stores.

    Chicken and vegetable broth
    Starting meals with soup is a proven way to reduce appetite. Low-calorie hot broth satisfies hunger and helps you stay satiated longer without overloading your body with calories.

    Wasabi sauce
    Spicy foods and spices such as wasabi also help control appetite. Wasabi not only reduces hunger, but also reduces the risk of cancer and has anti-inflammatory effects.

    Unsweetened oatmeal is a great breakfast that helps to stave off hunger throughout the day. Oatmeal is rich in fiber and low in sugar. Add cinnamon, unsweetened applesauce or a teaspoon of sugar-free maple syrup to it for flavor and benefits.

    Salmon is satiating thanks to the healthy fats and proteins it contains. Protein and fats provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety, making salmon an ideal food for appetite control.

    Almonds are a source of healthy fats, ideal for snacking between main meals. The appetite-suppressing effects of nuts take half an hour after they are consumed, so it's important to eat them in moderation to avoid overeating.


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