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  • Fighting the second chin: home methods

    Опубликовано: 2024-05-30 08:48:55

    To remove the so-called “second chin” independently, there are many effective exercises and masks. First, you should regularly perform the following exercise: take a heavy book and put it on your head. Walk around the room with it, keeping your back straight. At the same time, the chin should be slightly upward, not looking forward.

    Note that this is a very effective exercise, and to achieve quick results, it will be enough to perform it only 6-7 minutes daily.

    If you want to get rid of the second chin at home, pat it with the back of the hand. Do it quickly, so that after a few minutes the chin goes numb. Keep your fingers tightly pressed against each other. How much clapping is necessary? Until your hands are tired, but the more the better.

    Tense your chin muscles as if there is a weight hanging on them. Take your time and tilt your head back. Perform this exercise at least 10-15 times daily. In order to strengthen the muscles of the chin, press your tongue on the lower and upper palate with great force. Extend your tongue and try to touch your nose with it. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Lift your head up and draw figure eights with your tongue.

    Lie down on a hard surface and, raising your head, watch your toes. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do at least 3 approaches for 10 times. By the way, patients with spinal problems, this exercise from the second chin is not recommended.

    To remove the second chin at home in conjunction with exercises, it is necessary to apply and masks. For example, a mask of yeast. Take one spoonful of dry mixture and mix with milk. Rub into a paste-like mass without lumps, then leave in a warm place for half an hour. After the necessary time, densely apply this “dough” on the chin and roll it with a gauze bandage. Keep until the mask does not harden completely. After that, wash off the composition with warm water.

    It is also easy to prepare a mask of mashed potatoes at home. Prepare a very thick mashed potatoes, preferably with milk, not water. Add salt to it and mix well. Thickly smear the potato mixture on the chin area and put a gauze bandage on top. Wait for half an hour and wash it off with cool water. To get the best and fastest tightening effect in the mashed potatoes you can add honey.

    Excellent results give a mask of cosmetic clay. Take a few spoons of white or black clay, mix to a thick homogeneous mass without lumps with cool water. Then apply liberally to the chin area. Wait until the mask dries completely, after which wait another 10 minutes and only then wash off the composition. After such a tightening mask on the skin you need to apply a nourishing cream. If you have dry skin, then water can be replaced with cold milk. Make sure not to move your neck after the composition hardens.

    Add 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of cold water. Put another 1 tablespoon of simple salt, stir, and then wet the middle of a towel with this mixture. Make a tight tourniquet and pat yourself on the chin area with it. Do this as often and quickly as you can. Don't forget to re-dip the towel in the vinegar-salt solution regularly. Wash your chin and neck after the treatment.


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