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  • In March 2024, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 164.3 billion

    Опубликовано: 2024-04-04 09:30:37

    In March 2024, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 164.3 billion. A significant share was made up of corporate income tax (UAH 60.1 billion, of which UAH 23.5 billion was paid by banks), VAT on imports (UAH 40.1 billion) and production in Ukraine (UAH 18.5 billion), personal income tax and military duty (UAH 16.0 billion), and excise tax (UAH 14.5 billion).

    This data was provided by the Ministry of Finance.

    At the same time, the tax and customs services fulfilled their monthly revenue targets by 110.0% (+UAH 9.8 billion) and 100.1% (+UAH 0.05 billion) respectively.

    In January-March 2024, the general fund of the state budget was replenished by UAH 468.9 billion.

    The main sources of budget financing were: VAT on imports (UAH 109.0 billion), income tax (UAH 96.7 billion, of which UAH 49.7 billion was paid by banks), VAT on domestic production (UAH 69.0 billion), personal income tax and military duty (UAH 44.9 billion), and dividends from state-owned enterprises (UAH 32.2 billion).

    The tax and customs services exceeded the plan by 13.4% and 6.3% respectively.

    The main types of revenues controlled by the tax and customs authorities include:

    Value added tax on imported goods amounted to UAH 109.0 billion;
    Corporate income tax amounted to UAH 96.7 billion, of which banks paid UAH 49.7 billion;
    Value added tax on goods produced in Ukraine reached UAH 69.0 billion, of which UAH 101.7 billion was collected and UAH 32.7 billion was refunded;
    Personal income tax and military duty amounted to UAH 44.9 billion;
    Dividends from state-owned enterprises brought in UAH 32.2 billion;
    The excise tax brought in UAH 39.3 billion;
    Import and export duties amounted to UAH 12.2 billion;
    Rent for subsoil use amounted to UAH 9.4 billion.
    In total, in January-March, the budgets of all levels received UAH 641.1 billion in taxes and fees. State budget expenditures amounted to UAH 839.1 billion.

    To finance the budget, Ukraine attracted UAH 473.6 billion in borrowings, including UAH 116.3 billion from the placement of domestic government bonds (including military bonds - UAH 96.4 billion), and UAH 357.3 billion from external creditors (about USD 9.2 billion). The main receipts came from the IBRD, the EU, the IMF, and Canada.


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