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  • Ukraine imported record volumes of electricity in December 2023

    Опубликовано: 2024-01-03 18:00:34

    In December 2023, Ukraine set a new record for electricity imports, receiving an incredible volume of 232,950 MWh from neighboring countries. This is almost four times higher than the imports in November and indicates an impressive increase in electricity demand in the country.

    According to ExPro, the largest increase in electricity imports occurred during the Christmas holidays. Lower prices on European markets were the key factor driving this exponential increase, and electricity was delivered almost around the clock starting on December 22.

    Compared to the same period last year, electricity imports increased by an impressive 75 times, indicating the significant development of the country's energy sector and improvement of its energy efficiency.

    In 2023, the largest volume of electricity imported to Ukraine came from Slovakia, accounting for 69% of the total. In terms of exports, Ukraine supplied electricity to Moldova and Slovakia the most, accounting for 40% of total exports.

    In total, in 2023, electricity imports reached 806.4 thousand MWh, while exports amounted to 366 thousand MWh, determining Ukraine's active participation in international energy exchange and its role as a reliable partner in the regional electricity market.


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