Running or Walking: Which is Better for Health

14 мар, 15:28

When it comes to staying fit, many people wonder what to choose: running or walking? Both types of activity are good for health, but which one is more effective? The answer to this question depends on many factors, including a person’s preferences and goals. However, experts are sure that the most useful type of sport is the one that brings pleasure, because this is the motivation that will allow you to exercise regularly and without much effort.

For those who like both running and walking, it is important to remember that jogging is less tiring for the body, but more effective for the muscles. When running at this speed (7-9 km/h), not only the leg muscles work, but the entire body is activated. The effect is especially noticeable for the calf muscles, which work intensively, providing movement. While when walking at the same pace, the load on the muscles is slightly higher, but less energy is expended, and the muscles experience less tension.

Research conducted by Danish cardiologists has shown interesting results: men who run at a moderate intensity, running 7-9 km several times a week, live on average 6.2 years longer than those who do not engage in physical activity. Women, in turn, can increase their life expectancy by 5.6 years if they run regularly. This confirms the importance of physical activity for the overall health of the body and longevity.

When it comes to burning calories, it is important to understand that the amount of energy burned depends on body weight. In general, running and walking burn different amounts of calories, and the result will differ depending on a person’s weight. For example, if a person weighs 109 kg and walks at a speed of 3.5 km/h, he will burn about 305 calories per hour. Translating this into lost kilograms, we can calculate that such a person loses about 39 grams per day. It may not seem like much, but if you walk every day, you will lose about 1.2 kg in a month, and up to 14.5 kg in a year.

Running, on the other hand, burns more calories in the same amount of time, making it more effective for those who want to lose weight or improve their physical fitness. However, it is important to remember that with intense training, you need to monitor your technique and gradually increase the load to avoid injury.

So, the choice between running and walking depends on your preferences, goals, and physical fitness. If high efficiency is important to you and you want to get the maximum load, running will be the best option. However, if you prefer more relaxed training, walking will also bring a lot of benefits. The main thing is to exercise regularly, and the results will not be long in coming.

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