08 мар, 08:48
Scientific research confirms that the sleeping position of a person can influence the content of their dreams. Scientists from the University of Hong Kong conducted a survey of 670 students, most of whom were women, to find out the connection between sleeping position and the nature of dreams.
According to the results of the study, erotic dreams are most often seen by those who sleep on their stomachs. The explanation for this phenomenon turned out to be quite simple: in the prone position, breathing is difficult, which can provoke certain physiological reactions and cause images of a sexual nature.
Professor Kelvin Kai-Ching, head of the study, notes that such images appear due to the analogy with sensations during physical intimacy. Difficulty breathing and an irregular rhythm resemble experiences at the moment of arousal, and the brain begins to interpret this through dreams.
However, sleeping on the stomach is associated not only with erotic plots. The study showed that such people also have an increased likelihood of nightmares. These may include dreams in which one is being chased, feeling paralyzed, or unable to move.
Interestingly, on average, about 10% of all human dreams are related to sexual themes. But the sleeping position plays a significant role in how often and what kind of images will appear.
This data highlights the importance of understanding the connection between the physical position during sleep and what is happening in the subconscious. Understanding such connections can not only explain the nature of certain dreams, but also help in researching the psychology of sleep and its impact on a person’s overall well-being.
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