27 фев, 10:00
As of February 1, 2025, the total amount of deposits of individuals, including individual entrepreneurs (IEPs), in the banking system of Ukraine reached UAH 1.38 trillion. However, almost half of these funds are concentrated in less than 1% of depositors.
According to the Deposit Guarantee Fund, a significant part of savings is stored in the national currency - UAH 883.6 billion. At the same time, in January 2025, the volume of hryvnia deposits decreased by UAH 15.9 billion. In contrast, deposits in foreign currency, on the contrary, showed growth - they increased by UAH 2 billion and currently amount to UAH 494.7 billion.
Individual entrepreneurs account for 3.2% of the total number of depositors, but their deposits account for 11.1% of all bank savings. The total amount of deposits of individual entrepreneurs reached UAH 152.7 billion, and these funds are also covered by the guarantees of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals.
Analysis of the distribution of deposits by size shows a significant concentration of funds among a limited number of depositors. Thus, the largest share (40.75%) of accounts contains less than UAH 10, which actually does not affect the total amount of deposits. The largest group by number (57.44%) is made up of depositors with deposits up to UAH 200,000, who accumulate 28.62% of all savings.
Only 0.53% of depositors have more than UAH 600,000 in their accounts, but they control almost half of all bank deposits — 49.67%. This indicates a significant uneven distribution of financial assets among the population.
Such trends highlight the importance of government mechanisms to protect savings and the need to further develop financial literacy to empower more citizens to accumulate and effectively use bank deposits.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/578212.html
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