23 дек, 15:28
Apples are not only tasty, but also healthy fruits that provide the body with important vitamins and minerals. It is especially pleasant to enjoy them in the winter, when fresh fruits become a real deficit. To preserve apples as long as possible, it is necessary to take into account several important factors that affect their storage.
choosing a storage location
Historically, well-ventilated rooms with diffused light were best suited for storing apples. In ancient times, people used special clay vessels for storing fruit, which were lowered into the ground, thus providing optimal temperature and humidity. Modern storage methods also include the use of cellars or basements, but it is important to remember that the room must be well ventilated and dry to avoid spoilage of the fruit.
the importance of temperature and humidity
One of the key factors for long-term storage of apples is maintaining the correct temperature and humidity. For example, apple varieties such as Slava and Boyken can be stored at a temperature of about 0°C, while more heat-loving varieties such as Jonathan and Simirenko require a temperature of about 1-2°C. The humidity in the room should be high, about 90%, so that the apples do not dry out and lose their nutritional properties. Before storing the fruit, it is recommended to treat the cellar with special agents to prevent the appearance of fungi and harmful microorganisms.
Preparing fruit for storage
Before sending apples for long-term storage, they need to be prepared. It is important to choose only fresh and whole fruits without damage and signs of rot. Apples should be placed on shelves in one or more layers, avoiding their close contact with each other. For additional protection, the fruit can be wrapped in oiled paper, which will prevent them from spoiling and help preserve freshness.
Methods for storing apples
Both open and closed methods can be used to store apples. For example, apples of the Orlik or McIntosh varieties are perfectly preserved in sealed plastic bags, which helps to create optimal conditions for the fruit. At the same time, varieties such as Antonovka do not tolerate this method of storage and can begin to rot. You can also use horseradish to store apples. By filling boxes with horseradish, you can significantly extend the shelf life and protect the fruit from rotting, as well as destroy the codling moth.
Monitoring the temperature and condition of the fruit
It is important to monitor the temperature in the storage area so that it does not drop below zero, as this can lead to freezing of apples and loss of their taste. To control the temperature, it is recommended to install a thermometer at a height of about two meters from the floor. You should also periodically check the condition of the fruit in order to promptly identify spoiled apples and avoid contamination of healthy fruits.
Tips for storing different varieties of apples
Not all varieties of apples are suitable for long-term storage. For example, the Veteran and Idared varieties can be stored for up to six months, while fruits such as Orlovskoye Polosatoye cannot be stored for more than 2.5 months. Therefore, it is important to consider the characteristics of each variety and choose the appropriate storage method for each of them. Proper storage will help you enjoy delicious and fresh apples throughout the winter and spring.
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