06 дек, 08:48
The idea that a child already at the early stages of development perceives the environment and can feel, listen and react to the mother's emotions is based on interesting scientific theories, in particular, on the theory of perinatal matrices by Stanislav Grof.
The first matrix, as you correctly mentioned, is the moment when the child feels completely protected, connected to the mother. This is a time of absolute unity, which is important for the formation of the child's mental and physical well-being. The mother's emotions, her reactions to the world around her, calming or frightening, can leave deep marks on the baby's psyche. In order to create a favorable atmosphere, it is important to maintain a positive emotional background: sing to the child, read to him, walk and maintain calm.
The second matrix occurs at the stage of childbirth, when the mother's body begins to experience contractions, and the child faces physical discomfort and fear. It is important to remember that during this period the child feels everything, and he needs to feel the support and love of the mother, despite painful experiences. It is important to avoid stressful situations that can cause even more discomfort to the child.
The third matrix is the process of moving along the birth canal, where the child faces a serious struggle for survival. This experience forms a person's ability to deal with difficulties in life, to show fortitude and determination. Negative consequences can be associated with the lack of this experience or its excessive intensity, which affects a person's behavior in later life.
Each of these matrices affects the child's mental development and their perception of the world. That is why it is important to understand how to behave at different moments of pregnancy and childbirth in order to provide the baby with the best emotional and physical condition.
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