11 ноя, 08:48
Nutrition for gastric ulcers plays a key role in maintaining health and preventing exacerbations. Modern approaches to diet for ulcers are no longer as strict as they used to be, but the basic recommendations are still relevant. First of all, it is important to eat regularly - eat small portions at least six times a day. This helps protect the gastric mucosa, since food serves as a kind of buffer that neutralizes the effects of gastric juice.
Equally important is the minimization of mechanical and chemical effects on the digestive system. This means that during exacerbations, it is necessary to give preference to boiled or steamed dishes, as well as food mashed to a puree state. This approach reduces the load on the stomach and promotes rapid healing of the mucous membrane.
It is worth avoiding foods that can irritate the mucous membrane and provoke increased pain. Carbonated drinks, strong coffee, hot spices, tomatoes and other acidic foods stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which only worsens the condition. This also applies to the use of soda for heartburn - it temporarily relieves symptoms, but in the long term it can increase the production of acid in the stomach.
Some foods should be completely excluded from the diet. Fatty meat, fried and smoked foods, hot spices, as well as vegetables with coarse fiber, such as cabbage and radish, can irritate the stomach and aggravate the ulcer. Sugar and chocolate should also be limited, as they can stimulate the production of acid.
Instead, it is better to give preference to light and healthy foods. Kefir, low-fat broths, soft porridges and soups, cottage cheese and boiled chicken will help maintain the health of the stomach without unnecessary stress for the body. Berries such as raspberries and strawberries, as well as jelly and compotes can be excellent dietary supplements, providing the body with essential vitamins.
Once the acute condition has passed, you can gradually return to your normal diet, but it is important to maintain the habit of regularly having breakfast, lunch and dinner, avoiding long breaks between meals. Drinking a glass of warm milk before bed will help calm the stomach and improve the quality of sleep.
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