How Sleeping Position Reflects Personality

28 окт, 15:28

A person’s sleeping position can reveal a lot about their character, experts say. Robert Phipps, an expert in body language, studied several popular sleeping positions and found a link between posture and personality traits. His research showed that a habitual sleeping position can reflect feelings, stress levels, and even the degree of control over one’s own life.

One of the most common positions is the “fetal” position. More than half of the British people surveyed prefer to sleep curled up on their side, with their knees pulled up to their chest. This position is often chosen by those seeking comfort after a stressful day. People sleeping in the fetal position are usually disciplined and responsible, but can also be overly fixated on problems. Experts note that despite being well rested, they should be careful not to sink too deeply into a sense of security, otherwise it can prevent them from coping with difficulties in real life.

The "log" position, popular among 30% of the study participants, involves sleeping on your side with your limbs extended. People who sleep in this position often have strong views and are stubborn. They tend to be dominant and controlling, which can cause tension in both their personal and professional lives. Experts recommend that they relax during sleep so that their muscles and psyche can fully recover.

An interesting position is "thirsty". People who sleep with their arms stretched out in front of them, as if they are catching up with something or someone, usually have high demands on themselves and life. They tend to set ambitious goals for themselves, but can quickly give up when faced with obstacles. Psychologists advise such people to reconsider their priorities and learn to soberly assess their capabilities so as not to waste energy on unachievable tasks.

Approximately 17% of the experiment participants sleep in the "free fall" position, spending the night on their stomachs, with their arms stretched out to the sides. Despite the outward feeling of freedom, this position is considered one of the most uncomfortable for sleeping, as it compresses the vertebral artery, which can negatively affect the quality of rest. Such people may feel that life is passing them by, and they are losing control of the situation. Psychologists recommend that they focus on current tasks and act gradually, so as not to overload themselves with attempts to control everything at once.

Thus, the usual sleeping position can tell a lot about a person's character and their attitude to life. Realizing this can help people not only better understand themselves, but also use this knowledge to improve the quality of sleep and overall well-being.

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