The government made an important decision regarding the creation of a drug verification system

30 сен, 15:00

The Government of Ukraine has made an important decision regarding the creation of a drug verification system using 2D coding that meets European standards. This initiative is aimed at improving the quality of medical drugs and combating their falsification. This was reported by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Implementation of the new system will be voluntary from January 1, 2026, and from January 1, 2028 it will become mandatory for all drug manufacturers. This will provide Ukrainians with high-quality and safe medicines, in accordance with world practices.

The Deputy Minister of Health for Digitalization, Maria Karchevych, emphasized that the verification of medicinal products using 2D coding has long become the main tool for detecting falsified medicinal products on the market. "We strive to provide Ukrainians with high-quality and affordable medicines - this is why we are actively working on the implementation of the verification system," she said.

Manufacturers will be required to mark the packaging of medicinal products with a unique code. Before the drugs reach consumers, their authenticity will be verified through an end-to-end verification system that includes checks at the distributor level. This will significantly increase control over the quality and safety of medical drugs.

At the stage of dispensing medicines, the codes will be scanned to check whether the information on the verifier corresponds to the data entered by the manufacturer in the centralized database. If the data matches, the code on the package will be deactivated and the medicine will be issued to the patient.

If there is a discrepancy in the data, the system will notify about an emergency situation, and medicines will not be released to the consumer. In such cases, their verification will be carried out by the competent authorities. Thus, the new system of labeling medicines with 2D codes will not only protect the rights of patients, but also ensure effective countermeasures against the entry of falsified medicines into the Ukrainian market.

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