New industrial park in Kalush: more than 2,000 jobs for Ivano-Frankivsk region

25 сен, 10:00

In the city of Kalush, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, a new industrial park will be created in the near future, which will contribute to the development of the region and provide more than two thousand new jobs. This initiative is part of the national economic strategy aimed at supporting domestic production and attracting investment.

As reported by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the decision to include the industrial park "Kalush Production" in the official Register of Industrial Parks was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting on September 24, 2024. This will allow the park to receive support from the state and investors, which will contribute to its further development.

Deputy Minister of Economy Vitaly Kindrativ noted that the development of industrial parks is one of the key elements of the "Made in Ukraine" government program. He emphasized that such projects play an important role not only in creating new jobs, but also in increasing the income of the state and local budgets due to new productions.

Kalush Production Park will become an important center for industrial production in the region. The new businesses opening in the park are expected to create modern, high-paying jobs and provide steady income to the local economy.

In addition, this industrial park will contribute to the attraction of foreign investors, which is an important step on the way to the recovery and development of the economy of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Considering the advantages of the location of the park and its infrastructure support, Kalush can become a center of industrial development in Western Ukraine.

Thus, the new "Kalush Production" industrial park promises to become a powerful engine of economic growth for the region and the country as a whole, providing not only jobs, but also new opportunities for enterprises working in the field of production.

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