The multifaceted nature of love: reflection and definition

26 июл, 15:28

Dear friends, of course we can all open any meaningful dictionary and see the meaning of the word "love". It is defined as a sense of selflessness and deep attachment, of heartfelt attraction. But we all know that "love" means much more. This interpretation can only be used by those who have not yet known love, and that is not always the case. I cannot give a definite true definition of the word "love," because each person explains it in his or her own way.

For some, love means constant thoughts about their other half, for others - a break from all the other thoughts when they are with their loved one. Some people would say that love is a small part of their life, others that love is their whole life. For some girls, love is the willingness to go to CGS, and for guys - the feeling when you can live with your girlfriend all life just like that.

Poets express their feelings as follows:
"Love is a goddess:
Ambitious and proud,
Or perhaps the evil fate of a slave,
And it is her forever."

Writers describe love as:
"Love is the only passion that pays for itself with the same coin as it coins."

For some, love is when they can look at each other in silence, forgetting about time, business, friends, family and everything else, and yet understand each other without words. For others, love is when they want to do a lot of different things together.

Some may say that love is peace, silence, bliss and tenderness, caress and embrace, kisses and touches from which you just lose your head. The minute separation seems like years of waiting, and you lose your appetite because she hasn’t called. Others will say that love is a need for the constant presence of another person, it’s not gifts, beautiful words and promises, or placations under the window. It’s something that is incomprehensible, inexplicable and surprising.

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