Japan supports the reconstruction of a kindergarten in Odesa, damaged by a rocket attack

03 июл, 15:00

On July 1, 2024, the Mayor of Yokohama, Takeharu Yamanako, and the Director of the UNDP Representative Office in Tokyo, Hideko Hadzialich, signed a Cooperation Agreement on the reconstruction of social infrastructure facilities in Ukraine, particularly in Odesa and nearby areas. This was reported by the Odesa City Council.

The agreement envisages the joint efforts of the city of Yokohama and UNDP to restore Kindergarten No. 141, which was the victim of a rocket attack on Odesa.

As part of the initiative, it is planned to restore three key buildings of the kindergarten: the main building, which has the status of a cultural heritage object; a two-storey childcare and dormitory unit, as well as a newer building in need of major refurbishment.

The City of Yokohama and UNDP in Ukraine will join forces to provide these buildings with the necessary equipment and educational materials for children.

The main goal of the project is to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for children in Odesa thanks to the cooperation between UNDP, Yokohama and local self-government bodies.

Odesa Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov expressed his gratitude for the support of partners in a video message.

"The signing of this agreement confirms our long-term cooperation with the city of Yokohama and UNDP. Together, we will be able to return children in Odesa to their childhood and hope," he emphasized.

This project is another example of international solidarity and cooperation aimed at the recovery and support of those affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

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