A significant increase in the armament of the Ukrainian army in 2024

02 июл, 10:00

During the first half of 2024, the Defense Forces of Ukraine significantly strengthened their combat capabilities, adopting almost 480 new models of military equipment and weapons. At the same time, about 290 of these samples were made by domestic manufacturers. This information came from the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Lieutenant General Ivan Gavrylyuk, First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, noted that Ukrainian manufacturers of defense products in 2024 significantly increased production volumes in many directions. Active work is being carried out on the development and production of new types of weapons, which arouses considerable interest in the world.

The dynamics of the development of the defense industry in Ukraine is impressive. For the whole of 2023, more than 200 samples of domestic military equipment were adopted, while in the first six months of 2024 alone, this figure increased to 290, which is an increase of 45%.

Among the new models that have been codified and put into operation, the largest group consists of unmanned aerial systems. These include aerial reconnaissance drones and multi-role unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, a significant part is munitions of various types, mainly for unmanned aerial vehicles, means of communication and radio-electronic warfare.

In addition, new and modernized engineering equipment, ground robotic complexes, close combat equipment, demining, and optical-electronic devices have been put into operation. These technologies will significantly increase the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian army and contribute to the successful completion of tasks on the battlefield.

In general, during the first half of 2024, Ukraine took a big step forward in strengthening its defense capabilities, which is the result of close cooperation between state structures and domestic arms manufacturers.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/567917.html

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