Poland plans to open a new checkpoint on the border with Ukraine by the end of 2024

27 июн, 13:00

By the end of this year, Poland intends to open a full-fledged checkpoint on the border with Ukraine called "Nyzhankovychi-Malkhovichi" in the Lviv region. This was stated by the head of the Polish Council for Cooperation with Ukraine, Pavel Koval, during his participation in the 3rd Forum on the Reconstruction of Ukraine, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

Koval noted that at the moment work is actively underway on the purchase of the necessary equipment for the repaired border crossing in Nizhankovychy. According to the agreements concluded between Ukraine and Poland, the checkpoint should provide joint control with the involvement of the control services of both countries.

According to the information of the State Border Service of Ukraine, a temporary border crossing is currently operating in this direction, intended exclusively for empty cargo vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tons. It is expected that a wider range of vehicles will be able to cross the border after the new checkpoint is put into operation, but pedestrian traffic is not expected.

The head of the Polish Cooperation Council also noted that the development of new border crossings will significantly increase transport connections between the countries and speed up the circulation of goods. He emphasized that this is part of a strategy to modernize existing and open new crossings to stimulate trade and increase economic exchange.

An additional initiative that is planned to be implemented is the development of the railway hub, which, according to Koval, should become one of the priority tasks in the near future. The opening of new checkpoints will contribute not only to the growth of Polish exports to Ukraine, but also to attracting investments and increasing economic cooperation between the countries.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/567751.html

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