Autumn beauty secrets

16 июн, 15:28

To keep your skin fresh and full of vitamins after summer, you can use natural masks from fall fruits and vegetables or salon treatments. Although the sun's activity is decreasing, it is still high enough for radical rejuvenating procedures. The fall season places a special emphasis on skin and hair restoration. Even though you might have moisturized your skin regularly with oily creams, you soon notice that your skin starts flaking. This is a natural process of separating dead epidermal cells that take away the summer tan.

Not recommended:
It is not recommended to start a course of mesotherapy before November. This type of procedure requires special attention and is incompatible with other cosmetology programs, as well as with a visit to the sauna, pool or solarium.

You can:
Renew your tan in a tanning bed.
Undertake a course of cryomassage of the scalp and use restorative hair masks.
Resume a program of thalassotherapy and electromyostimulation of muscles.
Consult plastic surgery specialists, as the risk of postoperative complications is reduced, as well as the comfort of wearing clothes after procedures.
Home remedies to improve skin condition:
Apple Elixir
Apples contain many vitamins and nutrients, making them an ideal component of skin masks. Apple masks have anti-inflammatory properties and moisturize the skin.

Plum Recovery
Plums are an excellent remedy for fading skin. The juice and pulp of plums contain nutrients that can nourish the skin and give it a healthy glow.

Using natural masks like these can help your skin cope with the challenges of fall and keep it looking fresh and healthy.

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