Foods that stimulate metabolism

09 июн, 08:48

The intensity of the basic metabolism is one of the factors that determine how quickly we get rid of unwanted pounds. The easiest and most natural way to speed up metabolism is to eat stimulating foods. Those who are actively trying to lose excess weight are especially concerned with the question of how to accelerate the process of burning fat naturally. There are several ways to achieve this.

First, muscle mass gain automatically increases the intensity of the basic metabolism. Strength training will help best, but any exercise is better than none at all. Eating breakfast daily also improves metabolism. Besides sports and breakfast, there are foods that are natural metabolism boosters.

Legumes fully justify the attention they receive from nutrition experts. Studies have shown that those who regularly eat legumes weigh on average three kilograms and one hundred grams less than those whose diet does not include them. There are several reasons for this. Legumes are very high in protein and dietary fiber. By stabilizing blood sugar levels, they allow you not to feel hungry for a long time. Plus, legumes are high in vitamin B, folicin and calcium.

Grapefruit is another product whose beneficial properties amaze nutrition researchers. It is not only low in calories, but also has the ability to stabilize insulin levels. In addition, the pectin it contains lowers cholesterol levels, which not only promotes weight loss, but also improves overall health.

Hot peppers contain four times more vitamin C than oranges. Since nutrition experts first claimed that spicy foods can boost metabolism, they have become very popular among those wanting to lose weight. While the capsaicin contained in jalpeños and chili peppers can temporarily boost metabolism by causing the release of stress hormones in the body, it's important to remember that caloric and fatty foods, if not cut back on their intake, will lead to the opposite - weight gain.

Yogurt. There is a direct link between high calcium intake and rapid weight loss. Researchers found that people who increased their calcium intake lost weight twenty percent faster than those who did not. Regular consumption of yogurt contributes to the rapid building of muscle mass. And developed muscles accelerate the process of burning calories.

Nuts are by no means low-calorie, nevertheless, they are great for weight loss. Obviously, this is because nuts satiate quickly, hence you eat less. Normal weight subjects who consumed peanuts regularly had an eleven percent faster metabolism. It is only important to watch the volume of portions, otherwise the effect may be the opposite of the desired one.

While these foods can significantly improve metabolism, it's important to rely on more than just them, but to reconsider other factors in your diet and lifestyle in general.


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