Ukrzaliznytsia has been modernizing the fifth Khomyak electric train since the beginning of the year

07 июн, 10:00

State enterprise "Ukrzaliznytsia" has successfully completed the modernization of another electric train called "Homyak". This is the fifth electric train that was updated in 2024 at the company's own production facilities.

This is stated in the official press service of "Ukrzaliznytsia". According to the company, the modernized electric train will start running on the territory of Lviv region, improving the quality of passenger service in the region.

During the capital repair and modernization of the electric train, a complex of important works was performed. In particular, railway workers overhauled electric motors, installed new wheelsets, auxiliary machines, and also updated braking and electrical equipment. In addition, the train body and interior cabin equipment were restored.

Special attention was paid to passenger comfort. The old seats were replaced with soft, comfortable sofas, modern LED lighting was installed, and new interior partitions were installed. All these changes are aimed at increasing comfort during trips and creating a more comfortable atmosphere in the cabin.

The modernized train is also adapted for the needs of people with reduced mobility. For this purpose, special places were arranged for people with disabilities, passengers with children, and places for the convenient transportation of bicycles were provided. This makes travel more affordable for all categories of passengers.

The modernization of trains is part of the strategy of "Ukrzaliznytsia" to improve the quality of service provision and increase the safety of transportation. The company continues to actively work on updating its rolling stock to provide more comfortable and reliable transportation for its passengers.

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