Electronic excise: a new stage in the fight against counterfeit alcohol in Ukraine

04 июн, 10:00

The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has taken an important step in the fight against counterfeit alcohol and tobacco by launching a new website of the eExcise project. This innovative tool aims to bring the country closer to European market regulation standards.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

The eExcise project is a digital solution to combat the shadow market of alcohol and tobacco. The development of this system began in 2022, after Ukraine lost more than 27 billion hryvnias due to non-payment of taxes on these goods. The introduction of eExcise is intended to change the situation for the better.

"eAkcyz will replace the old paper excise stamp with an electronic one with a DataMatrix code. This will make it possible to easily scan it through the Diya application and check the legality of the product. Users will also be able to complain if they find suspicious goods," said the head of the department Mykhailo Fedorov.

The Ministry of Digital has created a separate site where you can find all the information about the eExcise project, its current stage, road map, as well as benefits for business, the state and society. Detailed information about the reform is presented on the website.

Among the data that can be found on the site are:

- Stages of eExcise implementation,
- Benefits for business, state and society,
- Legislative regulation of alcohol and tobacco circulation.

Currently, the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation is finalizing work on the regulatory framework for the implementation of eExcise. The full launch of the system is planned for 2026.

eExcise is expected to help ensure control over the circulation of alcohol and tobacco products, making this market more transparent. The system will allow tracking each unit of production at all stages - from production or import to sale to the consumer.

"This is a large-scale reform and an important anti-corruption project that will fundamentally change the industry. The state will no longer lose money, and Ukrainians will not buy counterfeit goods," Mykhailo Fedorov added.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/566697.html

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