The truth about washing your face with ice

29 май, 08:48

Ice can be used not only to cool down a drink, but also to improve the condition of the facial skin. Many people are aware of the healing properties of this simple remedy, but we don't always give it the importance it deserves. Washing your face with ice can be the perfect start to your morning and evening skin care routine.

The traditional rinsing of the face with warm water and wiping with a towel is not always beneficial to the skin. After all, this way we deprive it of useful minerals that may be contained in water. In addition, tap water is not always suitable for washing.

The first rule is to wash your face with ice water only. You can even use ice cubes to improve the effect. It is important to leave the skin of the face wet after washing, so that the water can be absorbed and dry on its own.

To prepare ice, it is better to use pre-prepared water. For example, you can freeze cubes from mineral water, rich in useful elements. Green tea is also excellent for this purpose, retaining its useful properties when frozen.

Silver water is another option for washing. For its preparation, you can use a silver coin, which should be kept in water for a few days before freezing.

There is a whole system of using ice for various facial skin problems. For example, to fight acne, you can freeze an infusion with the addition of aloe or sage juice. This will help to improve skin condition and reduce inflammation.

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