Poland is improving its borders: a large-scale protection program worth 2.5 billion dollars

29 май, 14:00

Poland has launched an ambitious project to build fortifications on the border with Russia and Belarus, which involves the creation of detection and warning systems, advanced military bases, logistics hubs and anti-drone systems. According to official data, this project is estimated to cost 10 billion zlotys, which is more than 2.5 billion US dollars.

The Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland Cezary Tomczyk emphasized that the main goal of this initiative is to protect approximately 700 kilometers of the border, of which 400 kilometers are on the border with Belarus. The implementation of the project is planned to be completed by 2028 from the moment of its start in the current year.

Polish Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamys noted that this is the largest defense program of this scale since the Second World War. He expressed hope that the initiative will receive the support of the entire Polish political group, various institutions, local communities and residents of border regions.

According to the official, not only the Ministry of Defense will be involved in the implementation of the program, but also other departments, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, the Ministry of State Assets, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, as well as the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development.

The Ministry of State Assets will coordinate the work of the defense-industrial complex, which will participate in the implementation of the program, and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment will deal with issues of environmental permits. Additionally, the Ministry of Infrastructure will be responsible for road and vehicle infrastructure in the project implementation area.

The financing of the program will be carried out at the expense of the Polish budget and a significant part of European funds, which will allow effective implementation of plans to strengthen defense capabilities on Poland's borders.

Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/566412.html

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