How to choose a lipstick: the art of the right choice

21 май, 12:28

Men, strange as it may seem, when talking or getting to know a woman, most often attracted by her delicate, sensual lips. Therefore, women usually pay special attention to this part of their body. Now it is hard to imagine what fashionistas could have come up with in order to draw attention to themselves, if at one time was not invented lipstick.

 Lipstick makes a woman more attractive, in addition, protects the lips from the effects of various external adverse factors (sun, frost, wind). However, not everyone knows how to use it, and the question of how to choose lipstick in general puts many people in a dead end. And this is not strange, because the modern variety of lipsticks can puzzle anyone. In addition, the color you like in the tube on the showcase, often changes a bit when you put lipstick on your lips, and the chosen type of lipstick may simply not suit your skin. To avoid such troubles, a true woman should have a great understanding of how to choose a lipstick.

To make the lipstick perfectly fit you, evenly and gently lay on the lips and did not cause negative feelings, you need to be very careful about its choice and purchase. Various scratches on the packaging or different colors of lipstick, indicate its questionable quality. In addition, never forget to look at the shelf life of lipstick, which is set by the manufacturer. Usually it is a maximum of three years, with proper storage. Spoiled lipstick has a sharp unpleasant odor, becomes more liquid or on the contrary dries up.

Speaking of how to choose a lipstick, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the composition of lipstick is an extremely important indicator of its quality. The composition of any lipstick includes wax, moisturizing oils, coloring and softening agents. They determine the quality of the lipstick, so they deserve your special attention. In the manufacture of cosmetics most often used beeswax, as well as Brazilian palm wax, which is more preferable due to the property of not causing allergic reactions. The composition of lipstick must necessarily include oils and fats, as a rule, it is coconut, mineral, olive and castor oils, as well as petroleum jelly and lanolin. Many modern manufacturers add vitamin E, amino acids, collagen, sunscreen and moisturizers to the composition of lipstick, so that your lips will be soft and protected from external influences. Since the average woman per year approximately eats one tube of lipstick, it is not bad if the lipstick contains various vitamin additives that not only nourish the skin of the lips, but also reduce the adverse effects on the body of chemical elements contained in the lipstick.

The question of how to choose a lipstick suitable for you in color is not an easy one, but nevertheless, it can be solved. You just need to spend a tester lipstick on a sheet of paper or on the back of the palm, then put it to your face and see if the chosen color suits you.

According to the qualitative features of the lipstick, there is a distinction between firm, matte and satin lipsticks. Persistent will keep its color and shine on your lips for a long time, matte - will give a rich and calm color, and if you want to visually increase your lips, use the satin type. Pearlescent lipsticks with gloss and lip gloss are currently topical.

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