Young and healthy skin in 9 days by Amy Wexler

20 ìàé, 08:48

American dermatologist and cosmetologist Amy Wexler has developed the “Young and Healthy Skin in 9 Days” program. The basic principles of the program were published in Wexler's book “The Mind-Beauty Connection”. Today you have the opportunity to learn the way to rejuvenate your skin in just 9 days.

Dr. Wexler states that the main cause of signs of aging skin is not only age, but also constant stress, which can add 3 to 6 years to the skin. The 9-day program is designed to reverse the signs of aging caused by stress, as well as create new habits that promote lifelong skin rejuvenation.

day one: simplify skin care

Starting this day, simplify your daily skincare regimen. Use only 2-3 skincare products: a mild cleanser, day and night moisturizers, and a scrub to use 2-3 times a week.

day two: fight irritation

Today you need to turn your attention to reducing irritations on your skin. Spend time relaxing, make sure you are breathing properly by doing special exercises several times a day.

day three: environmental cleanliness

Drink green tea, spend time in the fresh air, pay attention to your skin. Continue the previous recommendations and add healthy foods to your diet.

day four: skin diet

Avoid foods that negatively affect your skin and include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and nutrients that are good for your skin.

day five: physical activity

Today, focus on physical activity, which has a positive effect on your skin and overall health. Do sports or exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

day 6: time for relaxation

Spend the day with friends or in nature to maintain a positive mood and emotional well-being, which is also important for skin health.

day seven: inner beauty

Pay attention to your inner beauty and positive emotions. Write gratitude notes, take time to meditate, and enjoy a full night's sleep.

day eight: beauty sleep

Ensure you get adequate rest and sleep, which is so important for healthy and youthful skin. Pay special attention to following a proper sleep schedule.

day nine: take stock

Evaluate the results and changes in your life and appearance over the past 9 days. Reward yourself for your work and efforts to improve your skin.

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