Facial exercises: the secret to youthfulness and firmness

19 май, 15:28

Facial lifting exercises are not only an effective way to keep your skin young, but also a wonderful exercise for strengthening muscles and maintaining clear facial contours. Regular training of the facial muscles helps to reduce wrinkles and give the skin firmness and elasticity.

One of the effective exercises for facial muscles is the “Capricious Princess”. To perform it, you need to press your lips against your teeth and keep the muscles of the chin, lips and cheeks tense. This exercise helps to strengthen the periorbital muscles, prevent wrinkles and reduce existing wrinkles.

To improve the shape of your cheeks, you can use the “Hollywood smile” exercise. It consists of smiling as wide as possible and the subsequent weighting of the corners of the mouth with the help of fingers. This method helps to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and neck, which helps to improve facial contours and reduce wrinkles.

Lifting exercises can also cover facial and forehead exercises. For example, the “Hills” exercise aims to strengthen the muscles of the forehead. It involves sliding the skin from the forehead downward using your fingers, with the forehead muscles resisting by lifting it upward. This helps to develop all the facial muscles and keep them toned.

It is important to remember that for best results, training of the facial muscles should be done regularly and systematically. By gradually increasing the load and following the correct technique of exercises, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of the facial skin and keep it young and firm for many years.


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