Face tinting: rules and secrets

19 май, 08:48

Fashion and trends in makeup change over time. If 20-30 years ago, women used only powder, today it is hard to imagine makeup without foundation. Toning the face has become an integral part of many images. It not only gives the skin an even shade, but also protects it from the negative effects of the environment. It is important to understand how to apply the tone correctly to avoid an unnatural look.

The choice of foundation plays a key role. Before making a purchase, you need to determine your facial skin type. For dry skin, a liquid tone with a moisturizing effect, which remains invisible when applied, is suitable. Owners of oily or mixed skin is recommended to choose a thick foundation that can absorb excess fat.

Problem skin requires special attention. Here is suitable foundation cream with antiseptic properties that can slightly dry the skin. For mature skin is best suited liquid tone, which in addition to color equalization contributes to the elasticity of the skin.

You should not skimp on the choice of foundation products, as they interact with the skin throughout the day. A quality product ensures the durability of makeup and a pleasant feeling on the skin.

Moving on to applying the foundation, it is important to prepare your facial skin beforehand. Cleanse the skin with a toner and moisturizer. It is recommended to apply the foundation cream with a special brush or sponge to avoid stretching the skin with your fingers.

The toner should be applied in circular motions, ensuring even coverage without creases and streaks. Pay special attention to the nasolabial fold to avoid an unnatural makeup look. If necessary, adjust the color of the toner to match your natural skin tone.

Keep in mind the expiration date of the foundation product. Using an expired product can lead to negative consequences for the skin. After applying the foundation, it is recommended to blot the border with hair, cheeks and chin with a tissue to create a natural transition.

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