For the first time, 23 Ukrainian companies participated in tenders for the provision of the Armed Forces

20 май, 09:30

Since December 2023, when the State Rear Operator (DOT) began its work, 23 Ukrainian companies for the first time took part in tenders for the supply of property for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is a significant event for domestic business and the military sphere, which opens up new opportunities for cooperation and development.

This event was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. All 23 companies are national manufacturers with many years of experience, who previously cooperated with retail chains, but had no experience in participating in government procurement for military needs.

"It is very important for us to support national manufacturers and develop domestic production within the framework of the 'Made in Ukraine' program. Funds from state procurement should remain in Ukraine for investments in new facilities," Deputy Minister of Economy Nadiya Bihun emphasized. She also noted that this will contribute to the development of the economy and strengthening of national production.

In total, 13 companies that previously did not cooperate with the state became winners of tenders for the supply of clothing and textiles for the Armed Forces. These companies already have considerable experience in the relevant field, which will allow providing the military with quality products. Another 5 manufacturers received contracts for the supply of cots, tents and other necessary goods for the army.

In addition, 5 more enterprises, which have been working on the Ukrainian military ammunition market for more than 10 years, will now supply their products directly to the army. Previously, these companies transferred their products through volunteers, but now they will be able to work directly with the Armed Forces, which will greatly simplify logistical processes and improve the supply of the military.

"We involve Ukrainian manufacturers as much as possible in the provision of military equipment. This supports the economy, expands competition in tenders and helps to save budget funds," - said Viktoriya Vinogradova, director of procurement of the DOT. She also emphasized that increased competition at tenders allows for significant savings in the state budget.

The state operator of the rear is working to ensure that as many Ukrainian manufacturers as possible join the provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This not only supports the national economy, but also contributes to the achievement of the strategic goal of providing the army with high-quality products of domestic production.

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