Massive attacks by the Russian Federation on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine led to significant losses

07 май, 14:00

Massive attacks by the Russian Federation on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine led to significant losses exceeding $1 billion. The Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Herman Galushchenko, reported this, noting that thermal and hydro generation, as well as electricity transmission systems, became the main targets of the attacks. Despite this, the power system functions stably.

Galushchenko emphasized that as a result of massive attacks, thermal and hydro generation facilities, as well as electricity transmission systems, have already suffered serious damage. Despite measures to limit access to energy facilities, attacks continue, which may lead to further damage.

The minister noted that in some regions, in particular in Kharkiv, which is regularly subjected to shelling, there are restrictions on electricity supply. However, work has begun with local authorities to stabilize the situation and prepare for the winter period.

In order to reduce the consequences of the attacks and restore the energy infrastructure, Ukraine enlists the help of international partners. One of them is Lithuania, which has already provided significant assistance, as well as Germany and other neighboring countries. Repair equipment is already on its way from European countries, which will contribute to the prompt restoration of energy facilities.

Galushchenko called for cooperation with all countries that can provide the necessary equipment for the repair and restoration of Ukraine's energy infrastructure. Only through joint efforts can we ensure an effective response to the challenges posed by Russia.

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