Japan amends the list of goods prohibited for supply to Russia

08 апр, 14:00

The Government of Japan has decided to expand the list of goods prohibited from being supplied to the Russian Federation. The new list includes mineral fuels, lubricants, nitrocellulose, steel products, electrical equipment and pleasure craft.

According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the government has announced a ban on the supply of 164 categories of goods, and this order will come into force on April 17 this year. Additionally, starting from May 10, a ban on the purchase of rough diamonds from Russia is planned.

The goods that will be banned from being supplied to Russia include

mineral fuels and lubricants, including motor oils;
nitrocellulose used in the production of varnishes, paints and explosives
steel products, including pipelines for oil and gas transportation;
electrical equipment, including lithium-ion batteries;
photographic, optical, measuring and inspection equipment;
recreational or sporting vessels, such as kayaks, yachts, canoes, boats, and fireboats.
These measures are part of the international response to the situation in Ukraine and Russia's actions. Japan joins other countries in taking measures to restrict economic relations with Russia, expressing its support for Ukraine and pointing out the inadmissibility of aggression and violation of international law.

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