20 дек, 15:28
Usually we think that "excuses" from sex - this is exclusively a woman's territory. However, in practice it turns out that men are not always in the mood for romantic adventures either. The survey revealed five most popular excuses that men often use to avoid intimacy.
Tiredness at work. A busy day at work is a standard excuse that many men cite. No wonder, because after a marathon of labor, they only dream of forgetting in bed and fall asleep.
Bad weather. An analog of the famous female excuse "headache" - men have a headache not from a senseless reason, but because of weather conditions.
Need to take the dog for a walk. Household chores can tire men out, but when it comes to his four-legged friends, a guy can be genuinely devoted to taking care of them rather than his own needs.
Computer game addiction. If your partner starts immersing himself in the world of Call of Duty, it can be a sign of the collapse of your intimate life. In such cases, you have to take drastic measures, such as spending the night tied to the computer to make him remember reality.
A heaviness in the stomach after dinner. Although this excuse is solved by changing the menu or time of dinner, but if the guy constantly uses it, perhaps it's time for him to see a doctor.
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