06 ноя, 08:48
Each of us from time to time feels an irresistible hunger, when there is no more strength to restrain appetite. At such times, following certain dietary rules can help satisfy hunger without overeating. In this article, we will share four tips that will help you get rid of hunger attacks.
Black bread and a ripe banana
If your appetite seems irresistible, try making yourself a sandwich of a small slice of black bread with a very ripe banana. Black bread contains fiber that keeps your stomach busy, and the sweet banana will help boost your blood glucose levels. Such a snack will help you feel fuller and more satisfied.
Soups on vegetable broth or with lean meat
Introducing soups into your diet can help you get full faster and satisfy your appetite. Soups made with vegetable broth or lean meat are especially beneficial. They are rich in nutrients and can be a great way to manage hunger.
Boiled egg and low-fat cheese with green tea
If you are overcome by the urge to snack, a boiled egg or a slice of low-fat cheese accompanied with green tea can be a good and healthy alternative. These foods have the ability to create a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and you won't need to snack for hours.
Consumption of water before meals
Drinking a glass, or even two, of pure water 20 minutes before a meal can help you satisfy feelings of hunger. Often, feelings of hunger can be triggered by normal thirst. The scientific evidence is that after drinking two glasses of water, you will eat less food and your stomach will need less to feel satiety.
So, by following these tips, you can successfully manage hunger attacks, trick your appetite and maintain a healthy diet. Knowing how to manage your hunger and choose the right foods to snack on will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and control your weight.
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