Ukraine introduces innovative service for car re-registration

17 окт, 10:00

Ukraine is introducing an innovative service for re-registering cars that will greatly simplify the lives of vehicle owners and buyers. In the near future, this service will be available in the Diia mobile application, allowing you to re-register your car in just a few clicks. Beta testing of this new service will start on October 16.

Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, announced the initiative. From now on, citizens will be able to re-register cars, motorcycles, and mopeds without having to visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs service centers or engage intermediaries.

"The seller only needs to draw up a contract in Diia and share a QR code or link. And the buyer needs to read the document, choose license plates and a technical passport," said Fedorov.

A special feature of this service is the ability to receive documents and license plates by mail. For example, if you bought a car in another region, you can order and receive the license plates and registration certificate at the nearest Ukrposhta branch.

This innovative service is designed to make the process of re-registering a car more convenient and safe, avoiding unnecessary queues and trips to different offices. The first step is to launch beta testing of the service, and soon it will be available to a wide range of users.

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