01 окт, 15:28
1. Dyslalia: Simple Distorted Speech:
One of the most common varieties of speech disorders in children is dyslalia. In this case, there is a mild distortion of the pronunciation of individual sounds. Speech therapy sessions can successfully correct this defect by training the muscles of the tongue and lips to make the correct combinations for pronouncing sounds.
2. Dysarthria: A disorder of the innervation of the speech apparatus:
Dysarthria occurs when the innervation of the peripheral speech apparatus, including the tongue, lips, and cheeks, is impaired. It is a serious condition that causes changes in the pronunciation of sounds, timbre, volume, rhythm, melody and intonation of the voice. Dysarthria usually accompanies severe neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy and organic brain damage.
3. Rhinolalia: Distorted Pronunciation due to Defects in the Articulation Apparatus:
Rhinolalia occurs when there are defects in the structure of the articulation apparatus, such as cleft palate and others. It leads to distorted pronunciation of all speech sounds, making speech slurred and monotonous. In such cases it is necessary to consult an ENT.
4. Motor Alalia: Delayed Speech Development:
If a child does not start talking by a certain age or pronounces single words with impaired sound production, it could be motor alalia. This is due to damage to certain speech centers in the brain. Early referral to a speech therapist and neurologist improves the prognosis of treatment and helps to avoid difficulties in the future.
5. Sensory Alalia: Problems with Speech Comprehension:
Sensory alalia occurs when a child cannot understand the meaning of words addressed to him or her. Children may repeat words but not understand their meaning. This condition needs to be carefully evaluated to rule out hearing impairment and other factors. Children with sensory alalia should be counseled by a neurologist, speech and language pathologist, and a surdologist.
6. Aphasia: Speech Disorder after Injury or Disease:
Aphasia occurs when a child has previously developed speech normally, but after an injury or illness has begun to experience speech disorders. This can result from a variety of factors and requires specialized intervention.
7: Elective Mutism and Related Problems:
During childhood, children may occasionally experience elective mutism, which manifests as temporary dumbness due to neurotic factors. However, it can also sometimes be the onset of serious psychiatric illnesses.
8. Conclusion: Importance of Early Diagnosis and Correction:
Speech disorders in children can have different causes and require different approaches to correction and treatment. Parents should pay attention to their children's speech development and consult with specialists when necessary. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve prognosis and help children develop speech and communication skills.
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