01 окт, 08:48
Cardamom: The Treasure of India and Sri Lanka
Cardamom is perhaps one of the most famous culinary spices, which traveled from the distant and hot countries of India and Sri Lanka to become an integral part of many cuisines around the world. But this fragrant product, available almost everywhere, is actually the seeds of a tall (up to 4 meters tall) shrub. However, its useful properties are not limited only to cooking - cardamom is also used in cosmetology and perfumery. In this article, we will look at the various positive qualities of cardamom and its effect on health.
Vitamin Complex in Cardamom
Cardamom is rich in vitamins that are essential for good health. It contains B vitamins as well as important elements such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. As a natural stimulant, cardamom can improve digestion, stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and even help relieve unpleasant symptoms such as hiccups and flatulence.
Uses in Medicine and Everyday Cooking
In ancient times, cardamom was widely used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and relieve inflammation. Today, it is added to a variety of dishes, from sweet baked goods to various beverages. Cardamom has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves mood and helps fight stress and depression. Research supports its ability to stimulate the brain and help you concentrate.
Maintaining Physical Activity and Health
Cardamom helps strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. It also serves as a natural aphrodisiac and can increase male potency as well as help with female infertility. In addition, cardamom has diuretic properties, which can help maintain kidney and gallbladder health.
Fighting Pain and Inflammation
Cardamom is also known for its anesthetic and analgesic properties. It is used in folk medicine in many countries to relieve toothache, as well as pain associated with joints (arthritis) and cystitis.
Bottom Line: Health with Cardamom
For those who want to take advantage of the health benefits of cardamom, it can be added to a variety of dishes as a spice. If necessary, the attending physician or natural medicine specialist can prescribe a special course of treatment using cardamom extracts. Be healthy and enjoy this amazing spice!
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