31 авг, 15:28
The liver is an organ that plays a key role in the life of the human body, continuously ensuring our well-being. The health of the liver is of great importance to us. It acts as a filter, purifying the blood and all substances from the digestive system to provide valuable nutrients to the cells, free of harmful impurities. However, the functions of the liver are not limited to this. This organ converts food components into digestible vitamins and minerals, and produces enzymes that regulate hormone balance. The liver supports the immune system, helps fight infections and participates in the digestive process by secreting bile to break down fats.
The liver is an organ without which our life is impossible. Liver problems can affect the entire body. Headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, overweight and even obesity - all these signals tell us that the liver needs support. She suffers from our bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee and sugar, and lack of movement. But it also has friends with whom it is worth keeping a close relationship.
"Useful fats" are olive and rapeseed oil, nuts and seeds. You should limit the consumption of animal fats and fried foods, especially deep-fried, as this method of cooking increases the carcinogens in food and negatively affects the liver.
Antioxidants - vitamins C and A, as well as the trace element selenium. They protect liver cells from active harmful molecules known as free radicals. Higher levels of free radicals increase the risk of liver damage, especially if the liver is already weakened.
Physical activity helps improve blood circulation, oxygen intake and the removal of toxins through sweat.
Protein, but in the right proportions. A lack of protein means a lack of building materials for cell renewal, and an excess can be harmful. The recommended amount of protein for an adult is 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of weight.
Clean drinking water helps flush toxins out of the body.
Relaxation is essential for the liver as stress negatively affects its function. Even if you do not practice yoga, abdominal breathing from its practices will help to stimulate the liver and relax. Combine the pleasant with the useful by arranging regular spa sessions in a hammam or sauna. The liver loves heat, and the enlarged pores on the skin will help the liver to eliminate many toxins from the body, which will make it easier for the liver to do its job.
Whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Lemon and artichoke stimulate bile production. Cabbage and beets help to eliminate toxins and dissolve fatty acids. Cress lettuce supports the synthesis of red blood cells and cleansing enzymes. Kiwi, rich in vitamin C, effectively fights free radicals. Black radish, string beans, carrots, grapes, apples, and grapefruit are all good for our "natural filtration". On the other hand, convenience foods, fast food and canned foods enriched with chemical additives make life more difficult for the liver, and by extension, our lives.
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