25 авг, 15:28
The combined effect of the sauna and special procedures allows you to achieve elasticity of the skin, reduce the volume, remove excess fluid and get rid of toxins. To enhance the results of the sauna, it is recommended to combine it with three additional procedures that contribute to active weight loss:
1. Contrast shower
Taking a contrast shower stimulates vasoconstriction and dilation, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. This helps to accelerate metabolic processes, improve skin elasticity and overall health.
2. Slimming bath
Slimming bath promotes the decomposition of subcutaneous fat cells and the elimination of toxins from the body due to the thermal effect. In the presence of cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before performing this procedure.
3. massage for weight loss
Massage promotes relaxation, volume reduction through mechanical movements and enhances the effects of cosmetic products to fight stretch marks, cellulite and fat deposits.
Details of Procedures
Contrast shower:
To begin, it is recommended to start with a slight temperature difference. Start with water temperature no higher than 36 degrees, then gradually lower it to 33-34 degrees and raise it again to 36 degrees. With each subsequent session, you can increase the temperature difference.
Bath for Weight Loss:
Use sea salt, honey and essential oils to prepare the bath. High quality essential oils and herbal extracts help improve circulation and stimulate metabolism. For example, Field Herbs Bath Concentrate will help activate cells and detoxify. Fill a bathtub with water at about 37 degrees, add 1 capful of the concentrate and enjoy the bath for 25 minutes.
Massage for Weight Loss:
A massage will require a massage brush with wooden prongs and body oil. Choose products with citrus essential oil, such as Grapefruit Sauna Concentrate. After a fragrant sauna, apply the oil to the outer and inner thighs, then massage your abdomen in a clockwise motion. Gently massage each area, letting the skin relax.
Systematic Approach
A systematic combination of sauna and additional procedures will significantly enhance the effect of weight loss and recovery. It is important to keep your health in mind and consult your doctor beforehand, especially if there are medical contraindications. Effective and harmonious methods of self-care will always help you to preserve your health and beauty!
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