23 авг, 15:28
It is better to understand in order to educate properly. Each of us has a special way of perceiving the world. All people are divided into visuals (visual channel), audials (auditory channel) and kinesthetes (sensing through touch). Find out which group your child belongs to, and what you should know to ensure that he or she is comfortable, to help them understand the world around them better and faster, and to help them internalize knowledge.
Visual learners
From a very young age, they are in love with pictures, paintings, beautiful landscapes, flowers and even clothes. They easily memorize the plot of a story by illustration, while the soundtrack may slip away unnoticed, especially if the visuals are stunning.
Children in this group love stylish clothes, even if they are not always comfortable. They may fall in love with the mirror and tend to place things in a way that provides harmony and order. Despite this, sometimes a little chaos can be aesthetically appealing to them, so the desire for order is not always characteristic of them. It is important to note that they pay attention to the appearance of everything from their homes to their friends.
Stylish pictures of the world affect such children soothingly, they experience a special pleasure from it. Therefore, visiting galleries, museums, beautiful places, as well as buying beautiful books and objects will be a real pleasure for them. Remember that a statement like "this dress does not fit this bag" is not a caprice, but a manifestation of their specific perception of the world.
People of this group perceive the world mainly by hearing. They react sensitively to sharp sounds and noises, irritated by the constantly working TV, noise at school and even shouts of the teacher. They love harmonious music, quiet melodious voice and sounds of nature. When they listen to something, they tilt their head to the left. They are eager to hear all the details, even the smallest ones. They are sensitive to tones and shades of voice, and are able to recognize moods by voice.
For these children it is important to be regularly in silence, listen to classical music, sounds of nature and lullabies. They like to fall asleep to meditative melodies. Harsh shouting is contraindicated for them, they may even "turn off" their hearing to reduce the load. When communicating with them, speak clearly and calmly and, if necessary, persistently, but avoid yelling.
People in this group perceive the world through their skin. Comfortable clothes, bedding, and shoes are important to them. They need massages and affectionate touches from loved ones. They cannot feel happy without hugs and kisses. For them, sports or even mock wrestling can be ways to relax and release tension.
Kisses, hugs, soft and spacious clothes, and cozy bedding are important to these children. Nothing should press or interfere with the baby's clothing. In case of anxiety or tension, try stroking, sitting on your lap, or devising some game that involves touching. You will notice how your baby will calm down afterwards.
These tips will help you develop a harmonious personality. However, remember that this is only part of your job. Watch your baby carefully and try to understand his or her needs.
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