24 июл, 17:30
According to experts from NASA, July could be the hottest month on Earth in hundreds, and possibly thousands, of years. Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told reporters about this alarming forecast during a meeting at the agency's headquarters in Washington. Climate experts and other leaders also gathered there, including NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Chief Scientist and Climate Advisor Kate Calvin.
Summer on Earth is marked by rising temperatures and a global climate crisis that requires immediate action. "We are facing extraordinary changes across the planet," Schmidt emphasized. The scientist noted that although the changes may be shocking, they do not come as a surprise to the scientific community, as the temperature on Earth has been rising continuously in recent decades.
The impact is already tangible: last June was the hottest in the history of observations according to NASA. According to an analysis of global temperatures released by the agency, temperature records are shattering. Therefore, the likelihood that 2023 will be the hottest year on record is quite high, Schmidt said. According to his calculations, the probability of this record is 50%, and other models even confirm 80%.
Scientists predict that 2024 will be even hotter than 2023, as the El Niño weather phenomenon, known for its ability to increase global temperatures, is expected to intensify during this period. The Great El Niño of 2014-2016 has already led to record warming, and 2016 remains the hottest year on record.
The meeting raised the alarming topic of climate change, which is seriously affecting our planet. Industrialization and greenhouse gas emissions are the main drivers of global warming, which is confirmed by scientific research. "Human activity, including greenhouse gas emissions, is the main cause of rising temperatures on Earth," said Kate Calvin. - "This affects people's lives and ecosystems around the world.
The current challenges of climate change make us aware of and respond to them. Developing new technologies and taking more effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is becoming an urgent necessity. Only by working together can we preserve our planet for future generations.
Адрес новости: http://e-news.com.ua/show/551985.html
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